Cards For Prisoners exists to give hope and encouragement from our pen pals through cards and letters. We show God’s love for those previously and currently incarcerated and offer support to their loved ones. We incorporate the local church in the lives of returned citizens as well as families affected by incarceration.

Cards For Prisoners, operating under Tangible Hope Ministries , is dedicated to bringing hope and encouragement to inmates across the nation. Recognizing that many prisoners lose contact with the outside world after a few years of incarceration, we strive to bridge this gap by sending heartfelt cards and letters. Through the support of volunteers, donors, and the community, we aim to remind every inmate that they are not forgotten and that there is hope beyond their current circumstances.


“Sitting on my bunk it felt like Deja vu, when day after day I received hand written cards and letters from my family. At that moment I thought about so many other people that never get mail. So with a great idea, Gods grace, love and willing hands, the name Cards For Prisoners popped into my head. To get it started I put my plan in the hands of an amazing woman that not only cares for us but cares for our families as well. She lives Matthew 25:35 and 36. She has turned my God given vision into and YES! we are very thankful for God, Paula and our donors and friends. Thank you for your time and donations. Nothing to gain – only to give”. ~Love Michael, Muskegon Correctional Facility


August 2016
With a focus on cards and letters, Cards for Prisoners started,
registered a PO Box, and started sending cards from home

September 2016
– Filed 501c3 Tangible Hope Enterprises 09/28/2016
– Pen Pal Palooza starts in a living room, sending out Christmas cards
to the incarcerated.

– First website
– Began working with Healing Communities West Michigan, presenting the work in churches

– Healing Communities merges with 70×7 Life Recovery

– Cards for Prisoners merge with 70×7 10/8/2020
– Tim Koning has Paula produce a Cards For Prisoners introduction video
– A new custom database created to manage the relationships between pen pals
– Presenting in churches every week and it explodes!
– Restorative Hope Churches started to help churches get more involved
– Pen Pal Palooza explodes!

– Cards for Prisoners separated from 70×7 10/31/2024
– New entity Tangible Hope Ministries filed as 501c3 to manage CFP and more
– Pen Pal Palooza has a record number of volunteers and cards sent

Join us in spreading hope

Join Cards For Prisoners and brighten the lives of inmates. Together, we offer hope and encouragement to those who need it most.

Social MedIa

We are using several different media platforms to keep up the communication. The website, the email, and facebook seem to be the most effective right now, but choose how you would like to keep up to date with what’s happening